January 29, 2019
Published by Writer
Nothing is more frustrating than paying thousands of dollars to have your septic system repaired or a new one installed, only to later discover it was done wrong. Oftentimes, a so-called “professional” can perform a shoddy installation or a questionable repair. Others will substitute cheap parts that aren’t suited for the project in an effort to save costs. This questionable workmanship can end up costing homeowners even more in the long run, as they’ll be forced to hire yet another technician to fix the first guy’s work. However, customers can protect themselves from this type of slapdash work. You can... View Article
December 1, 2018
Published by Writer
While septic systems are built to hold up strong against corrosion, weight in the tank and all sorts of waste materials passing through, it’s important to be on alert in times of extreme weather. This is particularly critical in freezing temperatures, because the cold can cause septic system components to freeze up. Of all the components, the pipes leading from the tank to the house are the most vulnerable to freeze damage. Leaky water fixtures such as toilets and faucets contribute to a constant low flow of water that can freeze and eventually block pipes altogether. The tank, the pipes... View Article
November 14, 2018
Published by Writer
Millions of homeowners and business owners rely on septic systems to handle their wastewater, but many people still struggle to care for their systems effectively. It can be overwhelming to consider the care and effort required to maintain a septic system and keep it operating effectively, but you shouldn’t have to stress about your system. By taking a few basic steps to maintain your system and care for it correctly, you can avoid premature system replacement and reduce the need for expensive septic tank repairs in Erie County, NY: Take the time to learn about your system: It’s difficult to... View Article
October 2, 2018
Published by Writer
If your home runs on a septic system, you might feel stressed out occasionally about the maintenance you have to perform on the system to keep it in good condition. But no worries—as long as you have a good relationship with a septic professional, there’s no reason to stress out. Here is a brief overview of some tips that will help you to extend the lifespan of your septic system and avoid major septic tank repairs in Erie County, NY. Know your system If you have the original plans and permits for your system, great—this will provide you with just... View Article