Useful Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Septic System
If your home runs on a septic system, you might feel stressed out occasionally about the maintenance you have to perform on the system to keep it in good condition. But no worries—as long as you have a good relationship with a septic professional, there’s no reason to stress out.
Here is a brief overview of some tips that will help you to extend the lifespan of your septic system and avoid major septic tank repairs in Erie County, NY.
Know your system
If you have the original plans and permits for your system, great—this will provide you with just about all the information you need about your system so you know exactly what kind of maintenance needs to be done on it. Otherwise, as long as you know where the septic tank is located, how many gallons the tank holds and when it was last pumped, this is the most important information to know.
You should have a good idea of when the last time the tank was pumped if you’ve owned the property for a while. But if you recently purchased a property that has a septic system, you might need to have the tank opened up by a professional, who can then measure the material and determine how soon you’ll need to have it pumped.
Make sure it’s accessible
If you have a septic system that’s very difficult to access, you’re going to have a hard time keeping up with the routine maintenance that will keep it in good condition for years to come. The septic tank that you pump out gets buried on your property. However, you can install risers to bring the lid of the septic tank up to the surface, which leaves it exposed so the pumping truck can more easily clean out the tank. Digging up the lid is an extra expense and process that you probably don’t want to have to go through. While it does cost money to install risers, it will eventually pay for itself in the savings over digging up the tank every few years.
Get proper approval before building new features or doing significant landscaping
If you’re interested in building an addition onto your home or performing any sort of significant construction or landscaping work, make sure you get approval with your health district or agency before having the work done. There are going to be applicable regulations about how close these features can be installed to your septic system. While this might sound like an inconvenience to you as a property owner, it’s in your best interest to follow those rules so you can preserve the structural integrity and overall lifespan of your septic system, including both the tank and the septic field.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can keep your septic system in good condition, contact Macken Services, Inc. about our septic tank repairs in Erie County, NY. We look forward to helping you enjoy the smooth and reliable function of your septic system for years to come!
Categorised in: Septic Tank Repairs
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