August 10, 2018
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Ovens, ranges and refrigerators are all obviously vital appliances in a commercial kitchen (or any kitchen, really). One of the most overlooked and crucial components of a commercial kitchen, though, is the grease trap. As its name implies, the grease trap is responsible for intercepting oils, fats and solids before they enter the wastewater system. Needless to say, you’ll have a messy problem on your hand if your grease trap fails. You may even have to shut down your kitchen for a bit if the grease trap is out of commission. For that reason, you must always keep your grease... View Article
July 27, 2018
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When plumbing fixtures around the house start to back up, your first instinct should be to pick up the phone and call a professional for help. After all, you don’t want nasty water or even raw sewage flowing onto your floors. But which professional should you call in that sticky situation? If you have city water, the answer is easy—you call a plumber. Those with residential septic tank systems in Erie County, NY, on the other hand, have a tough decision to make. Should you call a plumber, or a septic service provider? Keep reading to find out the answer... View Article
July 12, 2018
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A sand filter septic system is a good option for wastewater treatment issues in any areas that have insufficient soil. Components of these systems include the septic tank itself, the sand filter, the pump chamber and the drain field. Septic system companies fill in the area with sand to make up for a lack of soil, often by using a large concrete box filled with sand. Above the sand is a layer of gravel with a series of small pipes. Here’s a brief overview of how sand filter installation in Erie County, NY works and what you should know about... View Article
June 28, 2018
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Think about it—how often do you clean the drains in and around your home? Probably not very frequently. However, there are many benefits associated with storm drain cleaning in Lancaster, NY to keep those drains operating smoothly and prevent future problems. Here are some of the biggest benefits of such cleanings: Clear up blockages: When you regularly clean out your storm drains, you’ll be better able to prevent blockages from forming. Small blockages are a nuisance while you’re using a sink or the shower, but the longer you let them go, especially in your storm drain, the more problematic they’ll... View Article
June 13, 2018
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You need to have your catch basins regularly cleaned, especially during the spring and early summer, when large storms can cause major floods and carry with them lots of debris. If you have a clogged catch basin, you need the services of a trusted plumber to get it unclogged as soon as possible so you can avert some of the primary risks to your house. A failure to clear out your catch basins could result in your home flooding when storms run through your area. Therefore, you should make it a priority to clean it out as often as possible... View Article