November 19, 2021 10:59 pm
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Thanksgiving festivities mean fun for the whole family—but for homeowners with septic tanks, this can be a stressful time of year. Inviting guests over always raises the chances of clogging the system or having a sewage backup in the house. The good news is that septic problems can be avoided by following these tips: Schedule pumping now: Septic tanks need to be pumped every three to five years to avoid overflows and backups. If it’s been a while since yours has been pumped, we recommend doing so now before it gets extra use during the holidays. Use the trash can:... View Article
November 19, 2021 9:13 pm
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When grease cools, it thickens and becomes more solid. This can be a problem for both restaurants and grease collection services. Sometimes restaurants will use outdoor containers as storage for the old cooking oil until it can be removed, but during the winter, this grease becomes hard and will be difficult to remove from the bin. The grease also will congeal much more quickly in the kitchen’s plumbing due to the plummeting temperatures. This is why the best time of the year to clean your grease trap is the winter. You want to stay on top of regular maintenance during... View Article
November 5, 2021 10:59 pm
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Believe it or not, the holidays are right around the corner. If you’re like many homeowners, that means it’s time to start getting ready to host guests for big dinners or even extended stays. Septic system owners need to do a few extra steps in addition to their standard cleaning and house preparation. Keep reading to learn why that is and what they need to do: Clogged plumbing: Clogged pipes are a worry if your home is connected to the sewer—but it’s even worse if you have a septic system. Those with a septic tank need to pay extra attention... View Article
October 21, 2021 5:38 am
Published by Writer
If you have a septic tank on your residential property, it’s important that you perform regular septic tank maintenance. When you’re new to septic systems, you might not realize how important your septic tank is—until something goes wrong, and you can’t bathe, wash clothing or dishes and flush the toilet until it’s fixed. Here’s an overview of why home septic tanks need regular maintenance. Avoid backed-up drains and septic overflow When your septic tank is clogged or too full, sewage can back up in your showers and tubs, sinks and toilets. It may also lead to septic overflow in your... View Article
October 7, 2021 5:38 am
Published by Writer
If you’ve got a storm drain on or near your property, it’s worth keeping it clean. Storm drains help divert rainwater, which prevents flooding. When heavy rains come down, you’ll be glad you spent time doing some storm drain cleaning. Here’s a closer look at how to keep your storm drain clean throughout fall and winter: Inspect your storm drains regularly: When you see a rainstorm in the weather forecast, that’s your cue to go out and check your storm drains. You should make it a regular practice—just check your storm drains every week or two, even if there isn’t... View Article