Six Pro Tips on Maintaining Your Catch Basin

May 7, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

The catch basin is the inlet to the storm drain system that keeps debris, sediment and other pollutants out of stormwater. This debris can clog downstream pipes and pollute streams and rivers. If you live in a residential neighborhood where litter, leaves and abandoned toys may literally go down the drain, cleaning catch basins in Lancaster, NY can prevent backflow from storm drains and maintain waterway health. Here are six pro tips for keeping them clean: Clean it as you see debris: It only takes a few minutes to remove debris as you see it. When you see excessive leaves... View Article

Six Signs You Need to Fix Your Septic System Now

April 23, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

If this is your first property with a septic system installation in Lancaster, NY, you may not necessarily know when you need to call the experts in to have it repaired. Septic systems are often “out of sight, out of mind,” so even experienced homeowners tend to overlook alarming developments as merely quirks of an unfamiliar system. If you see any of these of these six signs, call us immediately to take a closer look: Old age: Chances are, if you do not know how old your septic system is, it is likely time to replace it, or at least... View Article

Spring Cleaning Tips: Signs That Your Septic System Should Be Pumped ASAP

April 10, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Springtime makes everyone feel a little bit better. The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming, and you can finally get to a lot of those projects you were putting off until it warmed up outside. One enjoyable traditional activity in the springtime is cleaning. Most people view it as an excuse and an opportunity to clean out their homes and businesses. This can involve deep scrubbing of appliances and countertops, or just going through your closets and donating everything you haven’t worn in the previous year or so. Another great way to ring in spring cleaning is through... View Article

DIY Tips for Maintaining Your Septic Tank System

March 27, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Working with a house that has a septic tank system rather than a sewer hookup is a relatively unique situation that needs to be managed diligently and carefully. If you have a septic system installed at your home, there are a number of steps you can take on a consistent basis to ensure that it’s working as it should at any given time. At Macken Services, Inc., we always recommend calling in the professionals if things seem to be above your pay grade, but there are a surprising number of things you can do yourself to maintain your septic system... View Article

Pro Tips: How to Extend the Life of Your Septic System

March 14, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Having a septic system is a big responsibility for a homeowner. Maintenance should be regular and consistent, and you want to make sure you’re well informed about the ways in which you can keep an eye on the system. Knowing how to read the warning signs that your system can give you is one of your most valuable tools. Repairs and replacement of any septic system can be an incredibly costly endeavor, so you want to do everything you can to prolong its lifespan. Septic system maintenance in Lancaster, NY is one of the most worthwhile efforts you can make,... View Article