Common Septic Pumping Mistakes to Avoid in Commercial Properties

March 22, 2024 Published by Leave your thoughts


Maintaining a properly functioning septic system is crucial for the overall health and sanitation of commercial properties. Regular septic pumping is essential to prevent backups, odors, and costly repairs. However, many property owners and managers make mistakes when it comes to septic pumping, which can lead to issues down the line. In this blog post, we will discuss common septic pumping mistakes to avoid in commercial properties and provide tips for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your septic system.

1. Neglecting Regular Maintenance

One of the most common septic pumping mistakes in commercial properties is neglecting regular maintenance. Septic systems require periodic pumping to remove solid waste buildup and prevent blockages. Skipping or delaying septic pumping can lead to clogs, backups, and potentially severe damage to the system. It is essential to adhere to a regular pumping schedule recommended by a professional septic service provider to ensure the proper functioning of your septic system.

2. Overloading the System

Another common mistake made by commercial property owners is overloading the septic system. Excessive water usage, such as from high-volume toilets, showers, sinks, or industrial processes, can overwhelm the septic tank and lead to premature system failure. To avoid overloading the septic system, it is essential to monitor water usage, install water-saving fixtures, and consider implementing a water recycling system to reduce the strain on the septic system.

3. Disposing of Harmful Substances

Improper disposal of harmful substances can also contribute to septic system issues in commercial properties. Flushing non-biodegradable items, such as wipes, sanitary products, paper towels, or chemicals, down the drain can cause blockages and damage to the septic system. It is crucial to educate employees and tenants about proper waste disposal practices and provide clear guidelines on what can and cannot be flushed into the septic system to prevent costly repairs and environmental contamination.

4. Using Harsh Cleaning Products

Using harsh cleaning products containing chemicals can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the septic tank and inhibit the breakdown of organic matter. Chemical cleaners, bleach, and antibacterial soaps can kill beneficial bacteria essential for the digestion of waste in the septic system, leading to reduced efficiency and potential clogs. To maintain a healthy septic system, opt for septic-safe cleaning products and avoid using harsh chemicals that can harm the system’s microbial activity.

5. Ignoring Warning Signs

Ignoring warning signs of septic system problems is a common mistake that can lead to extensive damage and costly repairs in commercial properties. Symptoms of a failing septic system include foul odors, slow drains, gurgling noises, sewage backups, soggy patches in the yard, or standing water around the septic tank. If you notice any of these warning signs, it is crucial to address them promptly and seek professional assistance to diagnose and remedy the issue before it escalates.

6. Skipping Professional Inspections

Commercial property owners often make the mistake of skipping professional inspections of their septic system. Regular inspections by licensed septic service providers can help identify potential problems, assess the condition of the system, and recommend necessary maintenance or repairs. By scheduling routine inspections, you can catch issues early, prevent emergencies, and prolong the lifespan of your commercial septic system.

7. Attempting DIY Septic Pumping

Another common mistake to avoid in commercial properties is attempting to pump the septic system yourself. Septic pumping is a specialized task that requires professional equipment, training, and expertise to ensure it is done correctly and safely. DIY septic pumping can lead to incomplete waste removal, damage to the septic tank or drainfield, and exposure to harmful bacteria. It is best to leave septic pumping to experienced professionals who have the knowledge and tools to perform the job effectively.

8. Neglecting Drainfield Maintenance

The drainfield is an essential component of the septic system that helps to disperse treated wastewater into the soil. Neglecting drainfield maintenance can lead to clogs, backups, and system failure. To avoid this mistake, it is important to keep the drainfield clear of debris, avoid driving or building over the area, and refrain from planting trees or large shrubs near the drainfield. Regular inspections of the drainfield can help identify any issues early and prevent costly repairs.

9. Failing to Keep Records

Keeping accurate records of septic system maintenance and pumping schedules is essential for the proper management of commercial properties. Failing to maintain detailed records of septic pumping dates, inspections, repairs, and maintenance tasks can lead to confusion, oversight of critical maintenance needs, and potential compliance issues. Establish a system for documenting all septic-related activities and stay organized to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your commercial septic system.


Avoiding common septic pumping mistakes in commercial properties is essential for maintaining a healthy and efficient septic system. By adhering to a regular maintenance schedule, monitoring water usage, practicing proper waste disposal, using septic-safe cleaning products, addressing warning signs promptly, scheduling professional inspections, avoiding DIY septic pumping, maintaining the drainfield, and keeping accurate records, you can prevent costly repairs, prolong the lifespan of your septic system, and ensure a sanitary environment for employees, tenants, and visitors. Embrace best practices for septic system maintenance in your commercial property to promote the longevity and reliability of your septic system for years to come.

Got Questions About Your Septic System? Let Us Help!

The Macken family has been serving western New York since 1968. Our company specializes in the installation, repair, and maintenance of septic systems. We can also help you deal with your restaurant grease trap. We have acquired a decade’s worth of experience and know all the ins and outs of keeping your septic system worry-free. The key to a well-functioning septic system is regular maintenance. While it is easy to be lulled into a false sense of security, make no mistake: eventually, a neglected septic system will require attention. So be proactive and give us a call today before you have a stinky situation to deal with.

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