June 23, 2020
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One of the most common questions we get from our clients is, “How often do I need to get my septic tank pumped?” The general rule is anywhere from every three to five years, but a more exact answer really depends on a lot of the circumstances of your home. Let’s take a closer look at septic tank maintenance and pumping schedules and what you should know about caring for your septic system. A local septic company in Lancaster, NY will be able to provide information specific to your property. Frequency of septic tank pumping Septic tanks are capable of... View Article
June 5, 2020
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No matter how old your septic system is, routine maintenance is essential to keep it working reliably and efficiently. When it comes time to service your system, you might consider tackling the project yourself to save some money on professional septic system services. Unfortunately, DIY septic system maintenance doesn’t always pay off in the long run, and it’s important to carefully consider DIY vs. hiring a professional local septic system service in Lancaster, NY. Why hire an expert? Performing septic system tasks on your own can save you a lot of money in the short term, but those immediate cost... View Article
May 22, 2020
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When septic systems are properly maintained, they can last for decades—but it can be easy to forget about maintaining septic systems in Lancaster, NY until it’s too late. Without proper maintenance, septic systems are susceptible to all kinds of problems, including plumbing backups, flooding and tank failure. Make sure your septic system is kept in the best condition possible by following some practical maintenance guidelines. Tips for septic system maintenance Follow the tips below to keep your septic system running as effectively as possible for many years to come: Inspect your system regularly: Regular inspections will help you keep an... View Article
May 7, 2020
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The catch basin is the inlet to the storm drain system that keeps debris, sediment and other pollutants out of stormwater. This debris can clog downstream pipes and pollute streams and rivers. If you live in a residential neighborhood where litter, leaves and abandoned toys may literally go down the drain, cleaning catch basins in Lancaster, NY can prevent backflow from storm drains and maintain waterway health. Here are six pro tips for keeping them clean: Clean it as you see debris: It only takes a few minutes to remove debris as you see it. When you see excessive leaves... View Article
April 23, 2020
Published by Writer
If this is your first property with a septic system installation in Lancaster, NY, you may not necessarily know when you need to call the experts in to have it repaired. Septic systems are often “out of sight, out of mind,” so even experienced homeowners tend to overlook alarming developments as merely quirks of an unfamiliar system. If you see any of these of these six signs, call us immediately to take a closer look: Old age: Chances are, if you do not know how old your septic system is, it is likely time to replace it, or at least... View Article