Septic Tank Myths vs. Facts
Throughout the area, numerous residences and businesses rely on high-functioning septic tanks. Unfortunately, for every educated septic system owner, two or three others are neglecting their septic tanks in Lancaster, NY. When your septic system isn’t treated correctly, it can cause enormous problems for both you and the broader community.
Make sure you have the facts on your septic system to ensure you’re keeping your septic system running at peak efficiency. Read on for a debunking of some of the most common septic system myths.
Myth: Once buried, septic systems can be left alone
One of the worst things you can do is neglect your septic system. You should make sure that the solid waste is pumped out every two to three years, depending on how much you use it. You should also make sure that a septic technician inspects your tank regularly. This will ensure any minor issues that crop up don’t turn into big problems in the future.
Myth: Septic tanks are all that matter
People with little experience around septic tanks in Lancaster, NY might operate under the assumption that the entire system is encased in the tank itself. In fact, a septic system is a sprawling installation comprised of several parts. Once wastewater leaves your home, the septic tank is just the first stop. The solid waste accumulates at the bottom of the tank and needs to be pumped regularly. However, the liquid waste flows out of the septic tank and into your drain field, where it can seep slowly into the ground.
Myth: Septic tanks are one size fits all
Installing a septic system in your home is more complicated than you might think. For example, typical residential septic tanks come in one of three sizes, and picking the right one is essential. If your tank is too big, you could end up throwing the chemical balance out of whack. If your tank is too small, you could overwhelm your yard, or even worse, experience a sewage backup.
Myth: Septic installation is a great DIY project
The advent of lighter-weight plastic septic tanks has inspired some homeowners and business owners to try their hand at installing the tank and system themselves. Don’t make that mistake. Professional septic installers already have the machinery and experience to tackle tank and system installation. Not only that, but the pros can assess your property to determine the best spot for your drain field. That’s a value you cannot measure.
Your septic specialist
Want to know more about the myths and facts behind septic tanks in Lancaster, NY? Whether your needs are commercial or residential, you can count on Macken Services. We offer an extensive array of services, including catch basin cleaning, land grading and stripping, grease trap cleaning, holding tank pumping, leach field installation, sand filter installation, sludge removal and hauling, storm drain cleaning and more.
Since 1968, the people of Lancaster and the surrounding area have come to rely on the efficient, knowledgeable customer service provided by Macken Services. Whether you need septic system cleaning, maintenance or installation, we’re ready to help. Give us a call today to find out more. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Categorised in: Septic Systems
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