Spring Cleaning Tips: Signs That Your Septic System Should Be Pumped ASAP
Springtime makes everyone feel a little bit better. The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming, and you can finally get to a lot of those projects you were putting off until it warmed up outside. One enjoyable traditional activity in the springtime is cleaning. Most people view it as an excuse and an opportunity to clean out their homes and businesses. This can involve deep scrubbing of appliances and countertops, or just going through your closets and donating everything you haven’t worn in the previous year or so.
Another great way to ring in spring cleaning is through taking a better look at your septic system, since it might be in need of maintenance. The following septic system maintenance guide in Lancaster, NY should give you a better idea of some steps you can take.
Springtime means more water
Your septic system is of course designed to handle water, but springtime increases the flow rates. You might find yourself with pooling water around the yard, but this requires further investigation—after all, it could just be the result of increased rainfall or snow melting. However, it’s important to take a look, because pooling water that’s coming from your septic system will be dirty water, and it will likely smell pretty bad. At that point, you’re going to want to call the pros, because any good septic system maintenance guide in Lancaster, NY will tell you that you need to know when to turn things over to the professionals.
Keep an eye on the landscaping
One part of a septic system maintenance guide in Lancaster, NY that can surprise many people is that their yard can be giving hints about what’s going on with their septic system. If you smell odors outside, for example, then that just might be a sign that you need to look into having your system pumped out as soon as possible.
Additionally, if you have lush green patches of grass over where your system is buried, then you might have an overfilling problem on your hands. An overflow in a septic system can release large amounts of nitrogen, which in turn can lead to overly fertilized portions of the lawn that can stand out. At this point, you’ll want to call the experts at Macken Services, Inc. to handle the problem quickly and professionally.
Working with a septic system on your property reveals a number of challenges and opportunities for you to effectively maintain it. As with any other system, you’ll want to pay continued attention to its function throughout the year, but the increased waterflow of the springtime can make it all the more important to stay on top of it during this season. Take the time to really get to know your system, as well as some of the warning signs that indicate a full tank, and you’ll be glad you were able to familiarize yourself in this way. Your maintenance costs will be far lower in the future, and you’ll enjoy valuable peace of mind.
Categorised in: Septic Tank Pumping
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